The first thing I noticed about the pipes was the blanked holes opposite the wind-feed holes in their sides. The most logical explanation was that an apprentice had been entrusted to drill holes for the fitting of wind conveyancing from the chests - he drilled them in the wrong sides. He may have imagined the layout as seen from above, but in fact the pipes are upside down, so he got everything back-to-front. It just goes to show that mistakes can be made (and rectified) by the best manufacturers!
There are eight bass pipes under the floor, which I treated with generous cleaning and re-greasing of stoppers, and varnishing. They would be inaccessible for maintenance once the organ was re-assembled, so these pipes were thoroughly tested on the wind before re-fitting them into the case. The lead feed conveyancing was treated with protective paint, and the whole assembly re-mounted before the case was set upright and re-bolted to the trailer floor.
The two action chests presented no particular problems, and were overhauled in the normal manner, replacing all leather and thoroughly cleaning all parts inside and out. Inside were Alfred Lenk's stamp and Carl Frei's hand written dated signature. They don't mean these parts were made by them, more likely only overhauls.
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